Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011

"Struwwelpeter" von Heinrich Hoffmann

Der "Struwwelpeter" fand schon bald nach Erscheinen seinen Weg nach Rußland und Polen. In Petersburg erschien eine russische und eine polnische Ausgabe, beide verlegt von M. C. Wolff, dem berühmten Vorfahren der Berliner Verlegerin Katharina Wagenbach-Wolff. Die polnische Ausgabe hat den Titel "Die goldene Rute". Wie virulent das Buch bis heute in Polen ist, zeigt eine Puppenspielinszenierung, die am 21. Mai in Lodz erstmals aufgeführt wird. Hier eine Einladung des Arlekin Puppen Theaters:

We are glad to announce that on the 21st May at 6 p.m. in Lodz in the Arlekin Puppet Theatre a unique premiere of the performance entitled „Golden Wand” directed by Jerzy Bielunas will take place. The inspiration for the performance were sententious poems written by Heinrich Hoffmann. Therefore, we would be delighted if you were so kind to accept our invitation and come to Lodz to see the premiere. Surely, your presence as connoisseurs of the German literature and culture will brighten this event.
We have created a musical spectacle for adults, full of black humour and grotesque macabre. 14 actors on stage sing bloody stories and perform different roles. They are dressed in white, red and black costumes and have frightening props. Adventurous interpretations made by the actors are accompanied by sinister music played live by a 6-people orchestra.
Apart from the premiere, an exposition of old prints of “Golden Wand” is on display together with different language versions of the book and an original exhibition of paper puppets by Mirosława Truchta-Nowicka which is a peculiar kind of illustration of Hoffmann’s poems.
al. Maja 2
90-718 Lodz
tel. +48 42 633 08 94

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